Reconciliation is about more than just coming together and accepting one another. It is about focussing on the positive of every single person, region, and country, on what unites rather than divides in terms of the negative aspects, while respecting differences and trying to change problems into opportunities for dialogue and solutions. It is about rebuilding Europe and promoting peace throughout all of its Member States.
Europe needs to restore and strengthen reconciliation so as to achieve the ideal of European integration through policies that respect the differences and focus on the common interests.
Schuman's leitmotiv
"Nous sommes tous des instruments bien imparfaits d’une providence qui s’en sert dans l’accomplissement des grands dessins qui nous dépassent."
“We are all instruments, however imperfect, of a providence who uses them to accomplish grand designs which surpass us."
- Robert Schuman -
Robert Schuman at the signature of the Schuman Plan on July 1952
The Schuman Declaration
Constitutive session of the new European Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg
Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer
Robert Schuman in the hemicycle of Strasbourg
Ministers of 6 European Coal and Steel Company (ECSC - CECA) member countries meeting - Robert SCHUMAN (France), Alcide De GASPERI (Italy), Dirk STIKKER (Netherlands), Paul VAN ZEELAND (Belgium) Konrad ADENAUER (Federal Chancellor, Germany) and Joseph BECH (Luxembourg).
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