Schuman events

Schuman is everywhere around us; in the way we interact with others, in the way we see one another, in the way we want to exchange novel insights and perspectives with one another and in the way we want to share knowledge with eachother. We just have to look, listen and learn!

Learning being the keyword here, we want to exchange our Schuman knowledge with as many of you as possible. We do this through our Schuman 4 Kids & for Students programs but also through (online) courses and  events for (young) professionals.

COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning on Personal Leadership connected to Core Principles of the EU

COIL was initiated by THUAS, with two other universities:

  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences, European Studies Programme | The Hague
  • Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Escuela de Gobierno & Liderazgo | Madrid
  • Management Education & Research Institute | New Delhi

Discover some of the testimonials given by our inspiring students:

  • F. D. 3rd-year European Studies student

    The COIL experience was a very intercultural and interdisciplinary way of working and discussing together online in class and small groups setting. This influenced me in multiple ways. I got the opportunity to learn in groups of students from India and Spain

    ~ F. D. 3rd-year European Studies student ~

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    That is one of the main things that surprised me of this project: even if you are in a different part of the world, you can start making a good friendship with someone […]

    […] For me, the moment I enjoyed the most was the 10th Annual Congress of Schuman, when we got to meet each other “live”. 

    ~ C. A. G. Erasmus student ~

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    The Leadership course was comprehensive and informative. […] This course gave me a fantastic overview of what qualities, practices, and necessary steps that not only need to be taken to thrive in the working field but also to improve yourself as an individual in a positive way. What I appreciated the most about this course was the way lectures were taught with such enthusiasm. [...] I am looking forward to experience something equivalent such as this again.

    ~ P. v. D. 3rd-year European Studies student

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    The 10th Annual International Schuman Congress at THUAS was a resounding success. It provided a valuable platform for dialogue and reflection on Schuman's vision for Europe and its significance in today's world. I look forward to future editions of the congress and the continued exploration of Schuman's legacy and its relevance for the future of Europe.

    ~ M. B. 1st year European Studies student ~

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    The COIL project was a unique experience that allowed me to build the skill I will need for my future; COIL has given me much knowledge on new theories and concepts I didn’t know before. It has allowed me to explore different topics and subjects that I might not have gotten the opportunity to learn. 

    By interacting with students from different cultural backgrounds I got exposed and I exposed them to new ideas, perspectives and way of thinking that can broaden horizons and challenge assumptions. 

    ~ M. S. Management Education and Research Institute, New Delhi ~

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    What really caught my attention in this online class was the positivity and enthusiasm to be able to participate in this kind of project from so many different people from around the world. 

    The vibe in these classes were pure fun! I appreciate the most that everybody

    contributed their part to this project and was willing to learn.

    I want to thank Mrs. Krijtenburg for making possible that we had the chance to

    join this course and develop ourselves through it. Hopefully this course will remain

    for the next years with even more intercultural exchange.

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    I think it was a different experience from the usual courses we take in European studies. The possibility to listen and understand what other students had to say was very interesting and has shown a great cooperation and friendliness between all the involved students. Overall, was really distinct but very enriching for our futures careers. 

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    When it comes to talk about the online classes, they were very lively, and participation was remarkably active from the majority of the students who attended. Per group, we had to represent

    each assignment and discuss our points of views as well as what we learned on a personal level and finally connect them to the main points related to what Ms. Krijtenburg was trying to explain to us.

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    Once I finished this experience, what I can be sure of is that the course itself made me a better and more conscious person. I hope this course will be preserved through the next times and can impact the bigger number of students possible, and I will expect to see news from this COIL experience, hopefully with other students and countries to participate. 

    The guidelines of this course are strong enough to change people’s life or at least the way we view it, so should be part of every student to consider these questions and count with the support of personal leadership to become better persons, better students, as we own that to ourselves. We should always go after the best version of ourselves and nothing better than this course to uncover those paradigms. 

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